The cat, as a symbol, carries double meanings mostly. It balances two opposite things always – for instance, light and dark, rest and action, outer and inner, up and down, good or bad, etc.
Overall, the cat is the symbol of patience, independence, curiosity, courage, rebirth and resurrection, per their nine lives. Because they are nocturnal, they are also associated with darkness. Darkness often goes with fear, the unconscious, and things that are hidden. Cats are also symbols of mystery and magic, as aforementioned, but also unpredictability and even healing.The cat is a very spiritual animal; it is known for its ability to wait and act only when the time is right.
Incense can be burned during times of meditation, prayer, general reflection or to help cleanse and clear the air and make a space sacred. Native Americans burn bundles of sage, known as smudge sticks, to help clear the air of negative energy
Material - Solid Brass (hand-painted to give dark marble pattern look)